Already know this part of the story?
More People Live Inside than
Outside of this Circle
A different milk road point of view
This circle works like an economic vacuum
and largest concentrated
demand pool in human history.
Powered by Hunger.
Like many people, we think, talk & act in different ways because this hunger changes life in Australia.
For example, it's why we discuss & debate questions & answers like these:
#1 ) How does it work to feed, satisfy & manage this hunger now?
#2 ) How should it work in the future compared to the past?
Want to keep an ear open & eye on what feels like an existential, fascinating & constantly evolving conversation?
Just follow a milk road conversation on social media
The New Milk Road
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Milk Road
Milk Road
Kim Seagram AM - Fermentation TransformsNOV. 18, 2022
Kim Seagram AM, a force of nature in the Tasmanian food industry, together with Chris de Bono of Meru Foods, a fellow food entrepreneur, describe their vision about what our shared future should look like.