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home page as of may 08

A Timeless New Way to Say
What We Believe –

Investment to Improve

Food Security is

Important Now.

The New ‘Milk’ Road is a name – newly coined & timeless.

Australia’s most dynamic, fast growth “Economy”, Investment Thesis & “Stronger for Longer” trend is easy to describe with this new phrase.

Milk is the best metaphor for all Food, Agriculture & Health Care trade, investment, know-how, knowledge, activities, education, value and culture exchange flows between Australia and China.


Milk is what mothers naturally give first as food…..

……and in healthcare, well the first step is healthy food – nutritious healthy food.

The ‘Milk’ Road dovetails also in spirit with The ‘Silk’ Road – new & old.

Silk works a metaphor for all business activity, EAST / WEST, between Europe and China, including bridges and port infrastructure, far beyond where it began in history with silk.

Milk is the best natural metaphor to describe this kind of trend SOUTH / NORTH .


Naming this trend makes it much easier for more stakeholders to think, discuss and understand the growing value of Australia as a business partner in “The New Milk Road Economy.”


If you want an easier way to build relationships with commercial access to this fast-growth economy starting online now – that’s easy:

Just Click Here