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Milk is a great metaphor for many valuable things in life

Money, Knowledge & Food are a few.

That’s why this simple phrase is so special.

What is the new Milk Road?

The new Milk Road is many different things.

The four most important are:

“Conversation Tool” is one.

As a conversation tool, the “New Milk Road” makes it easier for you to think & talk about what’s happening with “Money, Knowledge & Food” in Tasmania with China.

For example, you can start a more valuable conversation more easily with a historical perspective statement like this:

“China comes to Australia for Milk like Europe went to China for Silk.”

And that makes it easier for you to talk about this:

– Why people in China depend on this route because it transfers what they need from strategic related industries in Tasmania that include Food, Agriculture, Resources, Healthcare, Education, Tourism and Technology.

And this:

– “New Milk Road” describes the modern web of trade, investment, cultural routes between Australia and China.

Until now, Australia has not had a name for this important part of its relationship with China.

All of these are good reasons to call it the “New Milk Road.”


Money from China keeps flowing into the milk industry of Tasmania.

Moon Lake is trying to build a “New Milk Road”between Australia  and China.

That’s natural – Why?

Australia produces the best milk in the world.

“China Food Safety” is another reason.


The People’s Republic of China have established a Government program which translates into the English words – “China Food Safety.”

China needs to build its own modern “World Class Food System” if it really wants to achieve a level of food safety like Australia.

This helps explain “Why” people in China come to Australia – why the New Milk Road exists and grows.

Big questions are “how” and “when” China will build its own modern World Class Food System.

The longer it takes China to do this, the more risky it is for the food system of Australia.

Australian business people, including almost every farmer, are in valuable position, more valuable than most people realise, to help China convert this dream into reality.


– The New Milk Road, as a conversation tool, makes it is easier for you to think and talk about what’s happening in Australia with China.


Try talking about it with your family, friends and business people in your community, online or offline at networking events.

You can also try to organise your own networking event with a panel discussion.

We can start collaborating easily if you use our marketing tools like branded digital artwork or physical banners.

You can see our branded digital artwork in these photos here:


To request our branded digital artwork or other assistance including organising an event then just email Adam here:


Adam Gregory Goern coined the phrase “New Milk Road.”

To learn more about Adam or get in touch then visit:   About Adam Gregory Goern

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